
Thursday- lower body

10:00 on the bike to warm up
:30 high knees
:30 butt kicks

You can use weights in many of the following exercises if you want the extra work.

Side Lunge
Lunge with back leg on a chair- 25 each leg
Squat with a calf raise at the top- 25 reps
One-legged squats- 25 each leg
Wall sit- 1:00
Walking lunges; stepping backwards- 15 each leg
Side lunge- 24 each side (go slow)
Single leg wall sit
Single leg wall sit- 1:00 (alternate 10 seconds on each leg)
Squat and kick out in front of you- 15 each leg
Walking lunge, stay on your toes- 20 each leg
Chair position
Sit in a chair position for :30, arms straight up
Weighted lunges- 20 each leg
Calf raises, 15 slow 10 fast- repeat three times the first time with toes pointing out, then feet straight parallel, then toes pointing in. Feel free to use weights here
Rapid squats- 15 regular then 15 squat jumps. Repeat twice.

Ten minute cool-down on the eliptical.


Wednesday- core and cardio

20 lengths in an olympic sized pool, thirty minutes swimming, or fifteen minutes running/fifteen minutes biking (outside or on high resistance)

repeat twice:
1:00 jumping jacks
1:00 high knees
1:00 toe taps
1:00 jumping jack planks
1:00 frog jumps
1:00 squat jacks (with your hands behind your head or straight up in the air- stay on your toes though)

Finish up with a 20 minute run, faster than a jog but not quite a sprint for the majority of it.


Tuesday- upper body

10 minutes on the rower to warm up

For any circuits, I make sure all of the equipment I will need is already out and ready. This means less time to rest in between each exercise and a better, faster workout. Set up stations and you won't forget what comes next.

Do this workout twice- either do 8-10 reps with heavier weights (to build more muscle), or 12-15 reps with lighter weights for leaner muscles:
Chest press on the big stability ball one arm at a time
Body weight dips if you have access to a machine, otherwise do tricep dips on a bench
Jammer with torso rotations (place the end of a standard barbell in a corner so that it will not move unnecessarily, place a weight on one end of the barbell with a collar so that the weight can not fall off during the exercise, move the barbell slowly from hip level on one side to straight out in front eye level, to hip level on the other side)
Supine overhead tricep dips- laying on the ground (supine) take a dumbbell and push it up straight from your chest. Then lower the dumbbell over your head until it almost touches the ground, bending at the elbows. Bring the dumbbell back straight above your chest. 
Diamond pushups or pushups with your hands as close together as you can get them while maintaining good form- you can flair your elbows out here
Arm circles with lighter weights- bringing your arms out from your sides, keep elbows straight as you go one set forwards in little circles, and one set backwards. 
Handstand push ups
In and out bicep curls

Finish up with some cardio and ballistic stretching. Go for 20-30 minutes on either the treadmill, running outside, or the eliptical. 

Monday- lower body

10 minutes on the bike to warm up

1:00 of each of the following-
- single leg extensions with machine or band (:30 each leg)
- box jumps
- single leg calf raises (:30 each leg)
- wide leg squat walks (go forwards and backwards)
- burpees
- side lunges (:30 each side)
- squat kicks (:30 each leg, kick straight in front)
- walking lunges
- squat kicks (:30 each leg, kick out to the side)
- frog jumps

You can repeat that sequence again if you're feeling up to it
Otherwise, move on to cardio to finish up
10 minutes forwards on the eliptical (resistance 15+, incline 5+), 10 minutes backwards (resistance 15+, incline 5+), 5 minute cool down (resistance 10+)

Sunday- rest day

yoga on the beach!
or just with your eyes closed imagining a beach?


Saturday- Cardio

Eliptical and Stairmaster
Minutes Incline Resistance    RPM
5 10 6 60+
10 15 10 50+
10 17 10 50+

Minutes      Power
10               Med-High (7+)
5                 High (9+)
5                 Med-Low (5)


Friday- upper body

10 minutes on the rower to warm up

1:00 on each exercise:

1. Overhead tricep extensions

2. T-push ups

3. Bent-over rows

4. Supine overhead tricep dips (movie above)

5. In and out bicep curls (movie below)

6. Inverted row (pictured below)

7. Tricep dips (straight legged) (To increase difficulty, alternate lifting one leg off of the ground for 5 reps each)

8. Flies (alternate raising arms straight in front of you and straight out from your sides)

9. Military press

10. Plank

Now complete 30 seconds on each of those ten exercises

Finish up with 20 minutes on the treadmill
Inverted Row