
Thursday- lower body

10:00 on the bike to warm up
:30 high knees
:30 butt kicks

You can use weights in many of the following exercises if you want the extra work.

Side Lunge
Lunge with back leg on a chair- 25 each leg
Squat with a calf raise at the top- 25 reps
One-legged squats- 25 each leg
Wall sit- 1:00
Walking lunges; stepping backwards- 15 each leg
Side lunge- 24 each side (go slow)
Single leg wall sit
Single leg wall sit- 1:00 (alternate 10 seconds on each leg)
Squat and kick out in front of you- 15 each leg
Walking lunge, stay on your toes- 20 each leg
Chair position
Sit in a chair position for :30, arms straight up
Weighted lunges- 20 each leg
Calf raises, 15 slow 10 fast- repeat three times the first time with toes pointing out, then feet straight parallel, then toes pointing in. Feel free to use weights here
Rapid squats- 15 regular then 15 squat jumps. Repeat twice.

Ten minute cool-down on the eliptical.

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