
Friday- Upper body emphasis

YAY it's Friday!

Warmup up jumping rope for 4 minutes
- if you can't jump rope, go run for ten minutes

Workout; complete 3-4 sets of each of the following:
12 reps- Dumbbell push press (squat with dumbbells at shoulder height and press up as you stand up)
15 reps each arm- Single arm dumbbell swing (keep control or you'll hurt yourself or someone else http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J6Q_Xrxp6o8)
10 reps- T-push ups (or 18 regular push ups if you can't do those)
10 reps- Bent over rows

Do some core-
Pick two exercises and go until you fail. Each exercise should target a different section of the abs. My choice for today is reverse crunches and side planks (one for each side). Try to hold each side plank for a minute or two! Don't let your form fall, though, or you might strain your back. Go for 100 reverse crunches, keep them slow and in good form.

Finish up with cardio.
Eliptical for 5 minutes on resistance 5, incline normal.
Increase resistance by 5 or more and incline by 5 or more for 10 minutes.
Go for another 10 minutes in the opposite direction (reverse peddling or cycling or whatever it's called)
Cool down with 10 minutes back at resistance 5 and normal incline.

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