
Saturday- Cardio


Yesterday I got lost in the trails behind my house and ended up running for an hour before I finally looked at the gps on my phone... I was still 2.5 miles from the house, ugh. Needless to say, it was the best "accidental" run I've had. I ended up running just over six miles because I was too curious and kept making random turns in the woods to see where I would end up- moral of the story: go get lost in the woods and run for and hour and I promise you will feel so excellent the next morning! You don't have to go fast, run at a 10 or 12 minute mile pace and just run as long as you can. Use whatever works for you, an ipod, a friend, or just silence. Try to avoid the heat and go early, late, or in the woods.
The actual workout for the day is to do cardio for an hour. If you aren't really a runner or get bored easily, try biking for 20 on a decent resistance, eliptical for 20 on resistance 10, and running for 20 at a ten minute mile pace or faster. You can mix it up, but try not to rest for long between each exercise if you decide to change it up.
Finish up with some planks to engage your core- 1 minute straight arms, 30 seconds straight armed side plank, 30 seconds other side. rest 30 seconds. 1 minute on your elbows, 30 seconds each side on elbow.

Have a great weekend!

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