
Wednesday- Core and Cardio

20 minutes of cardio- choose either eliptical or bike, use the first five minutes as a warmup and then increase the speed, resistance, and incline (whatever is applicable to the machine in use).


3-4 sets 12 reps- big bouncy ball plank; get into a plank position with your forearms on the ball. Slowly roll the ball away from you while contracting your abs to keep your body straight. Roll the ball out as far as you can manage without breaking form (try to do so as slowly as possible) and then roll it back until your elbows are directly under you. It's awesome, you'll feel it I promise.

3-4 sets 20 reps- reverse crunches; while on your back, straighten your legs out in front of you, then roll your pelvis up and push your feet into the air straight above you. try not to bend your knees a lot or use momentum to rock your feet up. The slower the better.

3-4 sets 10 reps- big bouncy ball hip raise and bring feet in; with your heels on the top of the ball, raise your hips and pull your feet in towards your booty. You should feel this in your glutes, so if you only feel it in your hamstrings (the backs of your legs) then your glutes aren't ready for this exercise, try just doing hip raises with your feet on the floor.

3-4 sets 20 reps- hanging leg raise; try to keep your knees as straight as you can

3-4 sets 15 reps- superman or boat; whatever you want to call it. Lay on your stomach and lift everything you can off of the floor without levitating.

Finish up with 25 more minutes of cardio, try to run outside but if it's too hot use a treadmill.

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