
Wednesday- core and cardio

If you have access to a pool, go for a swim! If not, find a track or trail and figure out a set distance.
Warm up with 2 laps in an olympic sized pool or a mile running (or just time yourself for 10 minutes of either)

Jogging: sprint the straight-a-ways, jog the corners
Swimming: sprint half way and slow it down for the other half
repeat 10 times (so total 5 laps)

1:00 plank
:30 each side- side dip plank
24 bicycle crunches
12 t-push ups

**special push up challenge***
Just found this if you want to try it- don't ask, I know I'm bizarre
20-20-20-15-10-10-10-5-4 with 20 second rest in between

who doesn't love being sore?

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