
Wednesday- core and cardio

If you are working out in weather anything like the million degree heat in Reston, FIND SHADE. Find cooler places to do some cardio like a trail in the woods or by a river.
Warmup- run 15 minutes or 1.5 miles whichever comes last

Repeat 3-4 times
25 russian twists with a medicine ball or heavier weight
25 scissors
25 leg raises
25 suitcases or v-ups (pictured to the right)
25 reverse crunches (pictured below)
1:00 plank

Cardio- if you can't jump rope, do jumping jacks but make sure you have good form. You can do them with some light weights too if you make sure you resist the weights and don't just swing your arms.
Oh, and every time I have to stop jump-roping, I add an extra 5 seconds on to the end of the minute so challenge yourself to jump as ling as you can without tripping over the rope and stopping!
Activity Minutes Resistance
Bike 5 7
Jumprope 1
Bike 5 9
Jumprope 2
Bike 5 12
Jumprope 3
Bike 5 5
Jumprope 4
Bike 5 10
Bike 10 5

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