
Thursday- lower body

10:00 on the bike to warm up
:30 high knees
:30 butt kicks

You can use weights in many of the following exercises if you want the extra work.

Side Lunge
Lunge with back leg on a chair- 25 each leg
Squat with a calf raise at the top- 25 reps
One-legged squats- 25 each leg
Wall sit- 1:00
Walking lunges; stepping backwards- 15 each leg
Side lunge- 24 each side (go slow)
Single leg wall sit
Single leg wall sit- 1:00 (alternate 10 seconds on each leg)
Squat and kick out in front of you- 15 each leg
Walking lunge, stay on your toes- 20 each leg
Chair position
Sit in a chair position for :30, arms straight up
Weighted lunges- 20 each leg
Calf raises, 15 slow 10 fast- repeat three times the first time with toes pointing out, then feet straight parallel, then toes pointing in. Feel free to use weights here
Rapid squats- 15 regular then 15 squat jumps. Repeat twice.

Ten minute cool-down on the eliptical.


Wednesday- core and cardio

20 lengths in an olympic sized pool, thirty minutes swimming, or fifteen minutes running/fifteen minutes biking (outside or on high resistance)

repeat twice:
1:00 jumping jacks
1:00 high knees
1:00 toe taps
1:00 jumping jack planks
1:00 frog jumps
1:00 squat jacks (with your hands behind your head or straight up in the air- stay on your toes though)

Finish up with a 20 minute run, faster than a jog but not quite a sprint for the majority of it.


Tuesday- upper body

10 minutes on the rower to warm up

For any circuits, I make sure all of the equipment I will need is already out and ready. This means less time to rest in between each exercise and a better, faster workout. Set up stations and you won't forget what comes next.

Do this workout twice- either do 8-10 reps with heavier weights (to build more muscle), or 12-15 reps with lighter weights for leaner muscles:
Chest press on the big stability ball one arm at a time
Body weight dips if you have access to a machine, otherwise do tricep dips on a bench
Jammer with torso rotations (place the end of a standard barbell in a corner so that it will not move unnecessarily, place a weight on one end of the barbell with a collar so that the weight can not fall off during the exercise, move the barbell slowly from hip level on one side to straight out in front eye level, to hip level on the other side)
Supine overhead tricep dips- laying on the ground (supine) take a dumbbell and push it up straight from your chest. Then lower the dumbbell over your head until it almost touches the ground, bending at the elbows. Bring the dumbbell back straight above your chest. 
Diamond pushups or pushups with your hands as close together as you can get them while maintaining good form- you can flair your elbows out here
Arm circles with lighter weights- bringing your arms out from your sides, keep elbows straight as you go one set forwards in little circles, and one set backwards. 
Handstand push ups
In and out bicep curls

Finish up with some cardio and ballistic stretching. Go for 20-30 minutes on either the treadmill, running outside, or the eliptical. 

Monday- lower body

10 minutes on the bike to warm up

1:00 of each of the following-
- single leg extensions with machine or band (:30 each leg)
- box jumps
- single leg calf raises (:30 each leg)
- wide leg squat walks (go forwards and backwards)
- burpees
- side lunges (:30 each side)
- squat kicks (:30 each leg, kick straight in front)
- walking lunges
- squat kicks (:30 each leg, kick out to the side)
- frog jumps

You can repeat that sequence again if you're feeling up to it
Otherwise, move on to cardio to finish up
10 minutes forwards on the eliptical (resistance 15+, incline 5+), 10 minutes backwards (resistance 15+, incline 5+), 5 minute cool down (resistance 10+)

Sunday- rest day

yoga on the beach!
or just with your eyes closed imagining a beach?


Saturday- Cardio

Eliptical and Stairmaster
Minutes Incline Resistance    RPM
5 10 6 60+
10 15 10 50+
10 17 10 50+

Minutes      Power
10               Med-High (7+)
5                 High (9+)
5                 Med-Low (5)


Friday- upper body

10 minutes on the rower to warm up

1:00 on each exercise:

1. Overhead tricep extensions

2. T-push ups

3. Bent-over rows

4. Supine overhead tricep dips (movie above)

5. In and out bicep curls (movie below)

6. Inverted row (pictured below)

7. Tricep dips (straight legged) (To increase difficulty, alternate lifting one leg off of the ground for 5 reps each)

8. Flies (alternate raising arms straight in front of you and straight out from your sides)

9. Military press

10. Plank

Now complete 30 seconds on each of those ten exercises

Finish up with 20 minutes on the treadmill
Inverted Row


Thursday- lower body

10 minutes biking to warm up
Three times:
1 minute walking squat; wide leg (30 seconds front, 30 seconds back)
- in a wide legged stance, squat as low as you can. Holding that position, walk forward for 30 seconds taking small steps. After 30 seconds, walk backwards in that same position (without coming up in between) and walk for 30 more seconds. 
20 squat jumps
- with legs shoulder length apart, squat down to a 90 degree angle. when you come back up, shoot up and jump off the ground. Land as softly as you can on your toes. 
20 lunges each leg- back leg elevated
- using a chair or bench, place the ball of your back foot on top of it. Lunge with the other leg. Go as low as you can, but don't let your knee go over your toe. Go slow. 
20 each leg single leg extensions
- either on a machine or with a band, hold your quad steady and extend your leg at the knee pulling the weight outwards. 

Finish up with 15 minutes on the stairs and 15 minutes on the treadmill.

Wednesday- core and cardio

5 minute jog to warm up

1 minute run (not jog)
1 minute jump rope
20 jumping lunges

2 minute run
2 minute jump rope
20 jumping lunges

3 minute run
3 minute jump rope
20 jumping lunges

4 minute run
4 minute jump rope
20 jumping lunges

5 minute run
10 minute jog
5 minutes ballistic stretching (shake it out, move around while stretching)


Tuesday- upper body

10 minutes on the rower to warm up
20:10's- this workout will focus on the back (upper and lower)

20 seconds bent arm pullovers,
10 seconds rest- repeat for a total of 6 times

20 seconds one armed rows (aka lawn mower),
10 seconds rest- repeat for a total of    6 times

20 seconds weighted back extension,
10 seconds rest- repeat for a total of 6 times

20 seconds lat pull downs
10 seconds rest- repeat for a total of 6 times

20 seconds jumping jack planks
10 seconds rest- repeat for a total of 6 times

Try not to take more than 30 seconds rest in between each exercise 

Finish up with 20 minutes on the eliptical- ten minutes forwards, ten minutes backwards


Monday- lower body

Five minute jog to warmup
For the next five minutes, jog for 40 seconds and sprint the last 20 seconds. Repeat 5 times.

Workout- three times:
25 mountain climbers
20 weighted squats
20 weighted lunges (ten each leg)
10 burpees
10 plie squats

three times:
1:00 plank
25 bicycles
25 v-ups
25 each side, oblique v-ups (pictured)

finish up with ten minutes on the bike, first five minutes at a high resistance and decrease the resistance a little bit for each remaining five minutes.

Sunday- rest day

Rest Day.


Saturday- Cardio

Jog for ten minutes to warm up
for the second set of ten minutes, run for 2 sprint for 1 (or increase your pace as much as you can)
Do this twice, so jog ten - jog/sprint ten - jog ten - jog/sprint ten
Cool down with a five minute jog and five minutes of walking stretches
So this could include swinging your arms, stretching your arms, deep lunges, long walking


Friday- upper body

10 minutes on the rower

Workout: 3 times
10 bent over rows
20 regular push ups
10 military press
20 t-push ups
10 lawn mowers (pictured)
20 diamond push ups
- keep your hands as close together as possible

3 times
10 bicep curls
15 tricep dips
10 weighted arm circles

3 times
25 reverse crunches
25 russian twists
25 v-sit ups
25 mountain climbers
1:00 plank


Thursday- lower body

Warm up with 10 minutes on the stairs

Complete three times:
10 reps leg press
15 reps each calf, calf raise on leg press machine
10 reps each leg leg extension
10 squats followed by side kick (ten each leg)

5 minutes on the bike
1 minute jump rope
5 minutes bike
2 minutes jump rope
5 minutes bike
3 minutes jump rope
10 minutes bike

Wednesday- core and cardio

Warm up with the following run:
Jog 5 minutes
Run faster for 1 minute
Jog for 4 minutes
Sprint for 30 seconds
Jog 3 minutes
Sprint 30 seconds
Jog 2 minutes
Sprint 30 seconds
Jog 1 minute
Sprint 30 seconds
Jog 10 minutes

finish up with core- complete twice:
1:00 plank
25 v-ups
25 reverse sit-ups
25 bicycles
25 russian twists
25 mountain climbers

Tuesday- upper body

Warm up running for ten minutes
Repeat workout 3 times:
10 regular bicep curls
5 top half curls (only go down half way to 90 degrees)
5 bottom half curls (only come up to 90 degrees then go back down)
10 military press
10 overhead tricep dips
10 bent over rows

repeat 3 times:
1 minute jump rope
1 minute plank

finish up with 15 minutes on the stairs or rower

Monday- lower body

It is the Fourth of July, so I'll keep the workout short

repeat 3 times:
20 walking lunges
20 goblet squats
30 mountain climbers

repeat 3 times:
50 jumping jacks
10 burpees
20 side lunges

Sunday- rest day

Have fun on your Fourth of July weekend!

Saturday- Cardio

Swim because it's too hot to run


Friday- upper body

Swim 10 laps in an olympic sized pool
Or run for 15 minutes

10 bent over rows- can also do in a back extension machine, pictured right
10 shoulder flies, pictured left
12 overhead tricep dips
16 ball push ups- do a regular push up with one hand up on a medicine ball, roll the ball to the other hand for the next push up

Finish up with core and ten minutes of cardio (eliptical, treadmill or bike)

Core- do two reps:
12 swiss ball pikes (pictured right)
25 leg throws
25 bicycles
25 plank walks (pictured left)


Thursday- lower body

Workout- repeat 3 times:
Row 1000 meters
20 Burpees
20 Box jumps
Run 800 meters

3 times:
20 walking lunges
20 squat kicks- squat and then kick out in front of you, ten each leg
20 calf raises each calf- use something elevated like a stair and try not to use your hands to balance (only one finger!)
25 leg raises


Wednesday- core and cardio

If you have access to a pool, go for a swim! If not, find a track or trail and figure out a set distance.
Warm up with 2 laps in an olympic sized pool or a mile running (or just time yourself for 10 minutes of either)

Jogging: sprint the straight-a-ways, jog the corners
Swimming: sprint half way and slow it down for the other half
repeat 10 times (so total 5 laps)

1:00 plank
:30 each side- side dip plank
24 bicycle crunches
12 t-push ups

**special push up challenge***
Just found this if you want to try it- don't ask, I know I'm bizarre
20-20-20-15-10-10-10-5-4 with 20 second rest in between

who doesn't love being sore?


Tuesday- upper body

10 minute warmup on the rower

Workout- 20:10's
twenty seconds _____, ten second rest- for a total of 8 times or 4 consecutive minutes on each exercise before moving on to the next. Do not switch between exercises until you have finished all four minutes of one thing. Try to take only 10 seconds of rest in between each different exercise (ie: 10 seconds to move from the pull up bar to the lat pull down bar). If you really need a break, take thirty seconds instead of ten one time, or decrease the weight.
:20 pull ups (palms facing you, work your biceps)
:20 lat pull downs (wider grip, work your upper back and lats)
:20 chest press or push ups (arms/elbows in, work your triceps)
:20 military press (if you're too tired, push press to keep your form)

one minute rest

:20 jumping jack planks
:20 leg raises
:20 russian twists

bike for 15 minutes to finish up

Monday- lower body

One mile warmup run
20 jumping lunges
20 squats
10 frog jumps
1:00 plank

half mile run 70% max speed (more than a jog, be out of breath)
20 jumping lunges
20 squats
10 frog jumps
40 russian twists

half mile run, 80-85% (hit it, get that heart pumping)
20 jumping lunges
20 squats
10 frog jumps
1:00 jumping jack plank

one mile run cool down

Sunday- rest day

Find an indoor climbing gym or an outdoor club. Rock climbing is super fun and the best workout ever.

Saturday- Cardio

Run. bike. swim. just move.


Friday- upper body

TGIF- don't slack off now.

Warmup with 10 minutes on the rower

Workout- complete 3-4 times:
10 each arm- single arm chest press with your back on a swiss ball, keep your hips up in a hip bridge position and try to keep your
core tight throughout the exercises so they don't fall- watch them in a mirror from the side
10 reps back extension on swiss ball-
with your chest on the swiss now, keep your legs straight out behind you and raise your arms out to your side in a t-shape with dumbbells
10 inverted rows or upside down push ups- find a secure barbell about waist height and lie directly under it. Grab the barbell like you are doing pull ups and pull your chest up to the bar. The further out your hands, the harder it will be to pull up.
10 bent over rows
10 hang cleans

Finish up with 20 minutes on the eliptical, ten minutes forward ten minutes backward

Thursday- lower body

Warmup with 15 minutes biking on a decent resistance- 7 or 8

Workout- complete 3-4 times
10 each leg- Jumping lunges (lung and then jump to the other leg lung)
10- Squats with overhead weight (hold dumbbells or bar above your head as you squat, try to keep your core and back straight- watch in a mirror)
10 each leg- lunges with your back leg up on a bench or swiss ball (focus on not letting your front knee go over your toe)
30 mountain climbers (aim to touch your knees to your elbows)

Do some core- finish this up three times
1:00 plank
:30 each side with hip drop and raise (keep your hips forward the whole time though)
1:00 superman pulses (don't go all the way down, just pulse in the superman position with legs and chest off the ground)
15 hip bridges with your feet on a big swiss ball

Finish up with 15 minutes on the bike and 10 minutes on the stairs

Wednesday- core and cardio

If you are working out in weather anything like the million degree heat in Reston, FIND SHADE. Find cooler places to do some cardio like a trail in the woods or by a river.
Warmup- run 15 minutes or 1.5 miles whichever comes last

Repeat 3-4 times
25 russian twists with a medicine ball or heavier weight
25 scissors
25 leg raises
25 suitcases or v-ups (pictured to the right)
25 reverse crunches (pictured below)
1:00 plank

Cardio- if you can't jump rope, do jumping jacks but make sure you have good form. You can do them with some light weights too if you make sure you resist the weights and don't just swing your arms.
Oh, and every time I have to stop jump-roping, I add an extra 5 seconds on to the end of the minute so challenge yourself to jump as ling as you can without tripping over the rope and stopping!
Activity Minutes Resistance
Bike 5 7
Jumprope 1
Bike 5 9
Jumprope 2
Bike 5 12
Jumprope 3
Bike 5 5
Jumprope 4
Bike 5 10
Bike 10 5


The Lemon Diet

I found this super awesome diet that is basically a collection or great meal ideas that all happen to include lemon because of it's antioxidant and metabolism boosting powers.

Day 1- Wake-up drink (7:30)
Glass of lemonade

Breakfast (30 minutes after you get up)
Fruit salad (strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries and cherries)
An apple, a pear, an organic yogurt and a handful of unsalted, un grilled almonds

Morning snack
A glass of lemonade
A banana
A handful of sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds

Bean or lentil salad with lemon, vinegar and extra virgin olive oil dressing

Afternoon snack
Glass of lemonade
A helping of crudités (cucumber, radishes and celery) OR a handful of dried fruit

Grilled fish with lemon juice
Steamed veg

1 hour before bedtime
Glass of lukewarm or hot lemonade

Day 2

Wake-up drink
Lemon juice and hot water

Bowl of fruit salad, yoghurt and 2tbsp oats
300ml organic or soy milk

8 unsalted almonds
Glass of fresh fruit juice diluted with water

Home-made or organic vegetable soup
Brown bread grated cheese and spread sandwich

2 oatcakes
A few cherry tomatoes and a spoonful of cottage cheese

Grilled fish, chicken or tofu with lemon and olice oil sauce (3 tbsp olive oil, 1 tbsp lemon juice and half a clove of garlic)
Green leafy vegetables sautéd in a wok with 1tsp sesame seeds
Cooked peaches and cinnamon
Lemon juice and hot water

Day 3

Wake-up drink
Hot water and lemon juice

1 poached egg
2 slices of whole meal toast with a thin spread of butter and 1 grilled tomato
1 apple
300ml soy or organic milk

2 fresh or dried apricots
A few unsalted peanuts
Blended lemon, apple and watercress juice

3 tbsp each of butter beans, chickpeas and kidney beans mixed with tomatoes and green pepper with lemon juice dressing
1 wholemeal roll
1 big plate of green salad with chives
1 kiwi fruit

1 oatcake, cottage cheese and strawberries

Vegetable stew (tomatoes, chickpeas, spinach, potatoes, raisins and whole grain rice)
Grilled banana with 2 squares of melted dark chocolate

Day 4

Wake-up drink
Hot water and lemon juice

Raspberries and strawberries mixed with 2 tsp oats and 300ml milk

Fruit salad with lemon juice
300ml organic or soy milk

Hot dried bean salad (kidney, lima or any dried beans)
Wholemeal roll with a thin spread of butter
Natural yoghurt

1 tsp sunflower seeds
Small bunch of grapes

Salmon fillet with lemon juice, baked in the oven with a large mix of steamed vegetables
Small scoop of chocolate ice cream with chopped nuts

Day 5

Wake-up drink
Hot water and lemon juice

Banana milkshake (blend 300ml organic or soy milk, 1 natural yogurt, 2 small bananas and 1 tsp raisins)
2 slices of wholemeal toast with a thin spread of butter

Seeds and dried fruit

Jacket potato and a small tin of beans
Large salad with a pinch of grated cheese
A pear or peach

Vegetable dips with home-made hoummous (chickpeas, lemon, sesame pasta and garlic).

Stuffed pepper: mix 4 tbsp basmati rice, 2 tsp pine nuts, chopped chives, cherry tomatoes and 60g feta together. Chop a pepper in half, fill and serve with a large portion of steamed veg.
Baked apple sprinkled with Cinnamon and a drizzle of maple syrup

Day 6

Wake-up drink
Hot water and lemon juice

A hard-boiled egg and a sliced tomato on a slice of rye bread
Half a dozen raspberries

A handful of nuts
300ml soy milk

Cucumber and salmon on toast
A yogurt

A peach
A handful of grape seeds
A handful of sunflower seeds

Tuna and sweetcorn pasta: mix 6 tbsp cooked whole wheat pasta, half a tin of tuna in brine, 2 tbsp sweetcorn and half a small tin of tomato sauce. Serve hot, with steamed veg and lemon juice.
Fruit purée and dried fruit

Day 7

Wake-up drink
Hot water with lemon juice

A bowl of fresh fruit salad
A natural yoghurt with 2tbsp oats
300ml organic or soy milk

A nectarine
A handful of mixed nuts and seeds

A small avocado with prawns
Salad with lemon juice, olive oil and balsamic vinegar dressing
An apple

A slice of wholemeal toast sprinkled with grated cheese

Omelet made with 2 eggs, chopped mushrooms, 3 tbsp grated cheese and spray oil Steamed vegetables
A small banana
A few strawberries

Day 8

Wake-up drink
Hot water and lemon juice

Whole wheat cereal with fresh fruit, seeds and organic milk
Glass of fresh apple juice diluted with water

Small pot of guacamole with carrot sticks
300ml organic or soy milk

Vegetarian pizza: cut a loaf of wholemeal bread into slices 10cm long. Top with tomato sauce, chopped mushrooms and green pepper, 1 tbsp sweetcorn and a small chunk of mozzarella, cut into slices. Bake and serve.

Fruit salad sprinkled with sunflower seeds

Risotto (chicken breast, rice, grated cheese, lemon juice, stock and tomato purée)
Fruits of the forest salad

Tuesday- upper body

10 minutes on the rower

Workout- repeat 3 times:
12 bent over rows
10 pull ups (these can be assisted on a machine or with your foot or knee in a stretchy band looped around the pull-up bar)
15 over-head tricep lifts, try to keep the elbows in
20 T push-ups

core, repeat 3 times:
30 mountain climbers
25 scissors
25 v-ups

finish up with a mile run
...and you might want to ice those arms

Monday- lower body

Bike for 15 minutes to warm up

Complete 3 sets of the following:
20 Burpees
20 goblet squats
20 plie squats
20 Box jumps, 24"box
Run 800 meters (half of a mile)

Finish up with:
1:00 plank, arms straight
1:00 plank on elbows
:30 plank each side arms straight
:30 plank each side on elbow
20 minutes biking
10 minutes stairs

Sunday- rest day

I want you to go try hot yoga.
It sounds interesting and toxin-free.
Comment back if you have a great studio!

Saturday- Cardio

Run or bike.
A lot.

Friday- upper body

one mile run

3 sets total of the following
- 20 push ups with one hand elevated on a ball or something of similar height (10 on each hand)
- 12 bicep curls each arm (try not to rotate your arm, keep it palm facing away from you)
- 12 single arm overhead press each arm (keep core tight and keep good form, go slow)
- 20 tricep dips (try to keep legs straight)

Core- 20:10s for a total of 8 reps each:
- 20 seconds jumping jack planks, 10 second rest repeat 8 times
- 20 seconds reverse sit-ups, 10 second rest repeat 8 times

Finish up with 10 minutes on the rower and one mile running on the treadmill or outside!

Thursday Lower Body

10 minutes running or one mile, whatever comes last

workout; complete entire workout twice:
weighted leg press- 3 sets of ten with a 10 second rest in between each set
weighted calf raises- 3 sets of ten with a 10 second rest (try to do on the same machine as the leg press, if you don't have a leg press machine do weighted squats and calf raises with free weights)
single leg weighted extension (pictured)- 3 sets of ten, 10 sec. rest
hip bridge with leg extension- 3 sets of 20, 10 sec. rest
1:00 plank, :30 side plank each side
Tricep dips- 3 sets 10, 10 sec. rest (to give your legs a break)
REPEAT! try not to take a big break getting back to the leg press machine, shoot for 30 seconds.

Finish up with 10 minutes on the stairs and one mile running (treadmill or outside)

Wednesday- core and cardio

10 minutes or 1 mile warmup- whichever comes LAST

My favorite workout design:
20:10s... 20 seconds of an exercise and a ten second rest, repeat that same exercise 20:10 8 times. Move onto another exercise with only the ten second rest and start the 20:10 again, another 8 times for the new exercise. Do this for four different exercises.

workout for the day:
20 seconds jumping jack planks, 10 seconds rest
repeat for a total of 8 times or 4 total minutes

20 seconds push ups, 10 seconds rest
repeat for a total of 8 times

20 seconds scissors (6-inches, one leg at a time), 10 second rest
repeat 8 times

20 seconds hip bridge with leg lift, 10 second rest
repeat 8 times

Cardio- do 15 minutes of stairs, 25 minutes running


Tuesday- upper body

Warmup with five minutes on the rower, and then this TWICE:
1 minute toe taps
1 minute stationary butt kicks
1 minute stationary high knees

**12-11-10 means first set do 12, second set do 11, third set do 10**
Workout- complete 3 times:
Hand stand push ups 11-10-9** (wmv)
Bicep curls 12-11-10**
Military press 12-11-10**
Weighted arm circles 15 clockwise 15 counter clockwise
Tricep dips 20 (legs straight)
Push ups 30

Finish up with 20 minutes on the bike, 10 on the rower

Monday- lower body

10 minutes running outside to warmup- try to run outside if it's not too hot.

Workout- complete 3 or 4 times

Walking lunges 20 steps total

Squats 30 reps (if too easy do 1 leg, 15 each side)

Wall Sits (+weight) 1 min (if too easy do 1 leg, 30 seconds each side)

Calf raises 50 reps

Frog Jumps 15 reps

Jump up to a block (preferably waist height, lower if necessary) 12 reps

Finish up with a 30 minute run- every nine minutes stop and do a plank for one minute!


Sunday Fun Day


Continue to do something though... I cleaned all day. It's more of a healthy compulsion than an addiction right?


Saturday- Cardio


Yesterday I got lost in the trails behind my house and ended up running for an hour before I finally looked at the gps on my phone... I was still 2.5 miles from the house, ugh. Needless to say, it was the best "accidental" run I've had. I ended up running just over six miles because I was too curious and kept making random turns in the woods to see where I would end up- moral of the story: go get lost in the woods and run for and hour and I promise you will feel so excellent the next morning! You don't have to go fast, run at a 10 or 12 minute mile pace and just run as long as you can. Use whatever works for you, an ipod, a friend, or just silence. Try to avoid the heat and go early, late, or in the woods.
The actual workout for the day is to do cardio for an hour. If you aren't really a runner or get bored easily, try biking for 20 on a decent resistance, eliptical for 20 on resistance 10, and running for 20 at a ten minute mile pace or faster. You can mix it up, but try not to rest for long between each exercise if you decide to change it up.
Finish up with some planks to engage your core- 1 minute straight arms, 30 seconds straight armed side plank, 30 seconds other side. rest 30 seconds. 1 minute on your elbows, 30 seconds each side on elbow.

Have a great weekend!

Friday- Upper body emphasis

YAY it's Friday!

Warmup up jumping rope for 4 minutes
- if you can't jump rope, go run for ten minutes

Workout; complete 3-4 sets of each of the following:
12 reps- Dumbbell push press (squat with dumbbells at shoulder height and press up as you stand up)
15 reps each arm- Single arm dumbbell swing (keep control or you'll hurt yourself or someone else http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J6Q_Xrxp6o8)
10 reps- T-push ups (or 18 regular push ups if you can't do those)
10 reps- Bent over rows

Do some core-
Pick two exercises and go until you fail. Each exercise should target a different section of the abs. My choice for today is reverse crunches and side planks (one for each side). Try to hold each side plank for a minute or two! Don't let your form fall, though, or you might strain your back. Go for 100 reverse crunches, keep them slow and in good form.

Finish up with cardio.
Eliptical for 5 minutes on resistance 5, incline normal.
Increase resistance by 5 or more and incline by 5 or more for 10 minutes.
Go for another 10 minutes in the opposite direction (reverse peddling or cycling or whatever it's called)
Cool down with 10 minutes back at resistance 5 and normal incline.


Thursday- lower body emphasis

10 minute warmup on the rower or 5 minutes jump rope, 5 minutes jumping jacks

3-4 sets of the following ONLY TEN SECONDS REST between each exercise, 30 second rest between each set!!!
16 reps lateral hops (hop side to side, preferably over something like a towel)
30 reps mountain climbers
for those of you up for a challenge, try chaturanga runs!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0Uv9PIB_kk
12 goblet squats http://davedraper.com/blog/2006/11/04/what-are-goblet-squats-goblet-squat-instruction/
12 weighted lunges each leg

Finish up with the following bike/cardio workout:
5 minutes biking at resistance 7
1 minute jump rope (if you can't jump rope, do either jumping jacks, high knees, or toe taps)
5 minutes biking at resistance 9
2 min. jump rope or other
5 minutes biking res. 12
3 min. jump rope or other
5 min bike, res. 7
4 min. jump rope or other
5 min bike, res. 11
10 min bike, res. 7

it's almost friday!


Wednesday- Core and Cardio

20 minutes of cardio- choose either eliptical or bike, use the first five minutes as a warmup and then increase the speed, resistance, and incline (whatever is applicable to the machine in use).


3-4 sets 12 reps- big bouncy ball plank; get into a plank position with your forearms on the ball. Slowly roll the ball away from you while contracting your abs to keep your body straight. Roll the ball out as far as you can manage without breaking form (try to do so as slowly as possible) and then roll it back until your elbows are directly under you. It's awesome, you'll feel it I promise.

3-4 sets 20 reps- reverse crunches; while on your back, straighten your legs out in front of you, then roll your pelvis up and push your feet into the air straight above you. try not to bend your knees a lot or use momentum to rock your feet up. The slower the better.

3-4 sets 10 reps- big bouncy ball hip raise and bring feet in; with your heels on the top of the ball, raise your hips and pull your feet in towards your booty. You should feel this in your glutes, so if you only feel it in your hamstrings (the backs of your legs) then your glutes aren't ready for this exercise, try just doing hip raises with your feet on the floor.

3-4 sets 20 reps- hanging leg raise; try to keep your knees as straight as you can

3-4 sets 15 reps- superman or boat; whatever you want to call it. Lay on your stomach and lift everything you can off of the floor without levitating.

Finish up with 25 more minutes of cardio, try to run outside but if it's too hot use a treadmill.


Tuesday, upper body emphasis

Give your legs a break and train your upper body.
Warmup: Ten minutes on the rower
(Do the entire workout first, then repeat the whole thing three more times completing ten reps the first time, 13 reps the second time, 11 the third, and 9 the last)
1. Military press
2. Chest press with your upper back on a big bouncy ball (try to keep your hips up and your stomach as flat as you can! Squeeze your booty)
3. Hold a plank for one minute (or as long as you can) with your hands or forearms on the big bouncy ball. The farther out you push your arms, the harder it is to hold that push up position.
4. Bent over rows- make sure your form is correct: http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/BackGeneral/BBBentOverRow.html

Finish up with some abs and cardio. Choose 5 different ab exercises and do each for 25 repetitions. My five of choice for today include scissors, bikes, flutter kicks, v-ups, and leg raises. These all target the lower abs more, as well as the hip flexors. Feel free to change them up if you are failing. Cardio: 2.5 miles running or 25 minutes (whichever comes LAST).

Keep sore muscles at bay

Hope you aren't too sore from the Monday workout!
If you are, there are several tips I have found to work well to either treat them or keep them away next time:
1. Heat- a hot bath, sauna, or hot tub will increase blood flow to the sore muscles and help heal the small tears in the muscles from your workout, faster.
2. STRETCH... do this before and after a workout for best results. Also, some dynamic stretching for sore muscles does wonders. Combine stretches with light cardio for a great warmup (frankenstein walks, slow motion high knees or butt kicks)
3. Solicit a massage from your nearest loved one. If no one steps up to the plate, use a squishy ball or rolling pin-type apparatus. Roll your token object slowly over the sore muscle(s).
4. Consume protein and carbs within two hours after you workout. This is a magical window of time where your body can metabolize the two up to two times faster than normal. Trust me, your body will thank you later.
5. If all else fails, anti-inflammatories.


Monday, Lower body emphasis

Always warmup:
5-10 minutes on the rowing machine, 5 if you're a beginner, 10 if you're serious.
If your gym doesn't have a rower, feel free to use another machine, just be sure to put a little resistance on anything you use- never eliptical or bike with factory settings, you're doing nothing. Increase that resistance by at least 4-5.
I was bored at the gym one day and decided why not do one minute of twenty different workouts? So, I wrote down as many as I could think of on a notecard, grabbed my stopwatch, and started in. I love the variety or this workout, and its ability to change and target specific muscle groups. Today, the twenty are targeting lower body and incorporating ever important cardio. If you are making your own twenty, try to have a cardio exercise for every other one.
Complete one minute of each exercise and then immediately go on with the following exercise (no breaks!!!). If you must take a break, take one minute rest after the tenth exercise, halfway through. Go through the list of exercises before you start and gather ay and all equipment you will need- toe taps need a ball or riser to tap in front of you, calf raises need a step or riser to stand on in order to go deeper, wall sits need a blank wall, L-hangs need a bar to hang from, and squats and lunges may need weights if you are feeling up to it. Remember, NO BREAKS.
1. Toe taps
2. Calf raises (30 seconds left, 30 seconds right) (keep your legs straight!!!)
3. High knees
4. Calf raises (both together) (no bent knees!!)
5. Butt kicks
6. Scissor kicks
7. Squat jumps
8. Wall sit
9. Jumping jacks
10. Plank (Push-up position, arms straight)
11. Frog jumps (Full squat jump)
12. L-hang or hanging leg raises
13. Jumping jack planks
14. Plie squats
15. Walking lunges
16. Squats
17. Frankenstein walk
18. Plank (On elbows, raise one leg at a time for 4 seconds)
19. Mountain climbers
20. Squat kicks
Finish up with some cardio- I like the bike for lower body days (25 minutes at resistance 9 or 10) however if your lower body is too sore or tired after the 20 in 20, try the eliptical (25 minutes at resistance 8 or 9)

Happy sweating :)

Sunday Fun Day

Rest day... No this does not mean you can sit around on the couch all day watching reality television. "Rest day" is your recovery day where you still need to be active, just not as active as the regular workouts during the rest of the week. If you have sore muscles, incorporate some yoga and start stretching! Go out and garden, mow the lawn, swim, walk, clean the house. There are plenty of exercises that are fun and/or useful and work easily to help rehab without letting you totally slack off.
This is also a great day to plan for the rest of your week. Are there any days in the upcoming week where time will be tight and you need to plan ahead to get up a little earlier to exercise or pack a lunch? If you figure this out beforehand and do something to combat the problem, you never give yourself an excuse to be lazy or skip a meal. We all know how one day off can lead to another, then a week, then you're back at square one.
Have fun!